Showing up for Success
Ann Bode
Ann Bode
Aug 31, 2022

Showing up for Success

The single biggest thing you can do for yourself to succeed at anything is to simply show up. Even when you might not want to, it's best to just get yourself there anyway. If you have a commitment to something and fail to show up for it, no one remembers your excuse or alibi. No one really sympathizes with your reasons. What they do remember is that you weren’t there for your obligation.

Poor attendance and chronic absence is a reflection of your commitment level. Showing up is how people learn to trust you. Everyone looks for reliability and if you prove that you are unable to show up on a consistent basis, it could result in less opportunity. You will eventually see the results of it in your life. The vibrational world cannot lie.

After 25 years of teaching dance classes, there are always those in each generation who try to outwit the unseen world by convincing themselves that they can do nothing and be rewarded with everything. The truth is, if you don’t show up and put the work in on a consistent basis, your talent alone will not sustain you. This is just a fact of life.

People pay attention to your ability to follow through on your commitments (especially ones that affect them directly like your teachers, teammates, friends and/or coworkers). Eventually people may start to feel resentment or distrust towards someone who fails to show up consistently. The facts of the matter is that while you are absent, someone else will be reaching their goal, moving to the front of the line, the front of the class or front of their field. There is no way for you to improve or advance if you are not in attendance.

If you find yourself being the one who isn’t there, you have a choice to make. Is the place that you are committed to being (but aren’t able to show up to) something that you really want to do? Is it realistic? Are you overcommitted and don’t have enough time for it? Is it just not a priority or something that is important to you? Are you just doing it to please or appease someone else? Is it desirable or worth it for you to continue?  Consider all of these questions and be honest with yourself. Is it something you don’t enjoy but pays you dividends? Is it something you must do? If so, how can you find a way to motivate yourself?  Can you find a better reason why? Should you reassess your level of commitment?

If you aren't sure then don't commit. Maybe means no! If you find yourself heading towards your usual excuses when it comes to things you really want to do, try telling yourself the opposite – just this once I’ll go anyway. Try Mel Robbins’ 5 Second Rule and count backwards from five and then launch. You cannot get something for nothing. You have to show up and put the work in. You’ll be surprised how much will change for you if you just start showing up for yourself and the things that you want. If you can’t, change your focus and make some decisions. You owe it to yourself and the people around you. Show up for your life! Your success is waiting for you on the other side.

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